“In God we trust. All others must bring data” How to make the business case for equity at work
Undoubtedly, there is a huge economic benefit to advancing and retaining women in workplaces. But what about at an individual business level? In this session, we will hear from HR business partners who have successfully made and won the business case for policies and initiatives that have moved the needle on women’s policies.
Understanding what data is meaningful v. surplus to requirements
How to make incremental business cases which drive sure progress
What matters most when presenting the evidence to (male) stakeholders
Moving from Policy to Effective Implementation at Scale (Parental Leave / Flexible Working/ Menstruation to Menopause)
A policy is a piece of paper until it takes on meaning and significance in organisations and, most importantly, in employees’ lived experiences. How can HR leaders roll out policies that are contentious in the eyes of some and life-changing in the eyes of others?
One Size Does NOT fit all: How to Construct Policies which Support Diverse and Complex Needs
A supported and happy workforce is a productive one. Businesses that acknowledge the complexity of women’s health journeys and life changes are more likely to generate better outcomes. It involves a holistic and nuanced approach to health, which includes mental health. So how can businesses move beyond the generic policies: i.e. one where salaries aren’t cut by 20% for a four-day week; where parental leave is considered beyond standard time lines and where every unique path is considered and respected? Hear and learn from innovative leaders on how to redesign workplaces for a new generation.